Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


What is HZX-Meitu? it's a software from Meitu for editting your photo.
but, it's not same with the other photo editor.
it has special thing.
what is that?
well... using it you can edit your photo just like you are wearing make up.

it is so easy and instant!

first, you have to download the application, Click Here.
second, install it.

 then, you will see it

After that, wait a momment till the process is done.


well, the installation has been finished... you can start to use it.
If the application does not open automatically, you can open it by yourselves.

After the application has been opened, you'll see

Well.... thanks for reading.
you can ask me how to use this application.
Just post on comment box. ok?

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